Saturday, October 24, 2009

Making Revenue With Blogs/Websites - Home Based Business Idea #1

More and more, people are finding the attraction of working from their own home. While this seems blissful, it is not always the best. There are, however, many possibilities and the ability to make money is absolutely amazing!

Age: Adult

Opportunity: Growing markets! Vast amounts of people are shopping online, especially during the holiday seasons.

Niche: For the business owner who is in retail sales, you can market your inventory online through a website. If you know of a business owner, not internet savvy, who wants to pursue the internet as a way to make more revenue, then you can operate the site and make money helping them!

If you have an established blog or website already, then let it work for you. You can post adds from Google and when people click through from your site... you make money. Check this blog post out on the subject:

Revenue Possibilities: $.01 and up! It just depends upon your skills, and what avenue you approach. A well visited blog or website can generate thousands a month. Whether it is from merchandise or from click through ads!

Suggestion: Please be careful with those home-based business sites that promise thousands for little or no effort. Do not be deceived... it takes longs hours and lots of work to generate income in any way on the internet!

Testimony: I am just starting into this type of market now. I am committed to helping people on many fronts. Whether it is from my blogs or from my own ministry website, this is fun and very exciting!

Warning: As always, I recommend that you do not violate any laws of any kind to earn this money!

1 comment:

  1. Good one on Honest Labor and it helps a lot.

    And I would like to tell you that We are a group of Moms (and Dads) who have teamed together. We have real answers and a simple business plan to work from home and earn better than a regular job. You can get more details here

    karim - Work from home moms make more
